My most recent blog gave my perspective on travelling to Mobile World Congress this year. It was certainly a different experience to previous years but still the same great event that brings people together from all corners of the world, and from all areas of telecoms sharing a vast array of ideas, perspectives and content. I was very privileged to be asked to participate in a variety of speaking sessions at MWC 2021, including a standalone presentation at the Delivering Scalability Through Partnerships session.
Entitled ‘Ecosystem Co-Creation Explained’, my presentation addressed the fact that most telcos have failed to become Systems Integrators whilst seeing the resale of popular third-party solutions on an AppStore as too low margin. They need to carve a middle path such as using Infonova Digital Business Platform. It enables them to create sophisticated and high margin multi-partner solutions using an ecosystem of partners to genuinely solve customer problems and then easily orchestrates and monetizes them. And it was interesting to hear how many different words were used to describe this orchestration – co-creation, curation, aggregation etc. Everyone has their own word for it. I was delighted to hear that this message clearly resonated with Philippe Lucas, EVP Innovation Devices & Partnerships at Orange Group who regularly quoted us in his own presentation that followed on. You can watch the full presentation here: